Memory Logs
In order to keep up with the times, we now offer the memory protocols of the master exams online for download (this simplifies the borrowing effort for all of us enormously). Here you can find all the protocols of the last years. The page is password protected. You can get the password here.
Important: Please do not publish the password on forums, Facebook, etc.. Refer to this page if necessary.
To keep the offer up to date, please send us the memory protocol of your own master exam as an email to the following address: Please be social and help the students after you as you have been helped, thank you!
P.S: Unfortunately we received only a small amount of protocols recently. For this online format to work we (and the future students) are dependent on your support.
Small introduction to the sorting system of the memory protocols
In order to find the searched examiner combination faster, an overview has been created in the PDF file "Memory protocols examiner combinations". In addition, here is a quick explanation:
- A folder exists for each subject: PC & TC combined in one folder (physical and theoretical chemistry), AC (inorganic chemistry) and OC (organic chemistry).
- Each examiner combination exists only once in the respective subject folder. The order of the examiners does not matter (e.g. no difference between "examinerA - examinerB" or "examinerB - examinerA", only one of these combinations will appear).
- The first folder level is named with the subject, a roman number and the name of an examiner (e.g. "AC I examinerA").
- The combination with the second examiner is made by naming a folder with a capital letter and the name of the second examiner (e.g. "AC I - B examinerB").
- The memory protocols are collected in these folders. Each PDF file contains about up to 10 logs, and each log is numbered with Arabic numerals. The higher the number, the newer the memory log is (e.g. file "AC IB11-IB20" contains the AC logs of the combination I = examinerA and B = examinerB with logs 11 to 20, where the log with code "IB20" is newer than the log with code "IB11").
Good luck with your learning!